“…while those views and experiences were incredible, they were nothing compared to the hospitality, the kindness, and the love we were met with by the people there. “ - Robert Dixon
Read More“The trees rejoice, for there is no longer a great nation to exploit them and cut them down. The earth can finally rest. It is quiet. Now it can sing.” - Ashley Palmer
Read More“ If we know what God is wanting us to do and especially asking us not to do, then it’s always better to just obey Him rather than to do our own thing…” - Earl Raue
Read More“And yet, the rare instant that I actually put my faith in God, it is paid for in full, and I am built up into a real human.” - Adam Guillory
Read More“The experience of living in a tight group of people all pursuing the same goals of growing in their relationships with God and serving His people made me realize that was where I found the most joy and fulfillment.” - Caleb Adcox
Read More“More than a better you, more than a better year. I pray your year be more full. More nourishing. That you are held— whole. That you come out, whole.” - Kaiti Lammert
Read More“We are remembering the one who fills the hungry with good food and sends the rich away empty. The one who helps his servant Israel in remembrance of his mercy.” - Bekah Beck
Read More“I know that faith is a component of belief... If it's promised that asking for faith will be answered, I might as well ask.” - Tayt Thomas
Read More“I pray and believe that these three lessons will be ones I remember throughout my entire life, and I pray that you too will accept and believe in His rest.” - Austin Shanley
Read More“Please consider making a year-end gift or becoming a monthly giver to Louisiana Tech Wesley…The task before us is urgent and serious, but the support of people like you gives us every reason to believe that Wesley’s missionary legacy will continue to flourish and grow.” - Rev. W. Ryan Ford
Read More“The Father is silent, because through Jesus’s suffering, the veil between holy and unholy will be torn in two, and now here we stand, able to receive the forgiveness of the Father as a gift. His love poured into our hearts. “ - Ashley Palmer
Read More“It’s trusting that God is a loving Father that won’t throw you in with the goats for needing rest or being unable to do it all.” - Jonathan Henderson
Read More“…when we convince ourselves that the Lord is a harsh man lacking in compassion, we too are liable to act entirely out of fear instead of faith, burying what may have been fruitful in us in the ground.“ - Camellia Bailey
Read More“You know when it is too much for me. You know when it is not enough. You will give me what is right and good. I will trust in this.” - Jamie Palmer
Read More“Not only is prayer an excellent source of individual formation and encounter, it spreads out into the rest of the Body of Christ as an edifying source of life. There are few things as powerful as a community of believers who know how to labor together in prayer.” - Bekah Beck
Read More“Where one reflects man’s natural tendency to have a comparative type of love, even with our loved ones, the other reflects the divine love that is offered to us by Jesus.” - Kaylee Hibbard
Read More“And for the one suffering, there’s healing in truly embracing and being embraced by one’s friends.” - Ashley Palmer
Read More“Faith admits to having no idea what’s going on most of the time, but sees that all things ultimately point back to God’s glory.” - Caleb Adcox
Read More“…when I think of my closest friends, I think of the people I am confident actually know me for who I am, and no one knows us better than the One who created us.” - Robert Dixon
Read More“If God can make children from dirt, and from rocks, why not from dogs?” - Pete Mace
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