Student Testimony: Jesse Shadburn
Little did I know, God had been leading me to the Wesley Foundation before I even stepped foot onto Louisiana Tech’s campus. My summer before my freshman year in college, I was hit with an opportunity to lead a beach retreat with two other male volunteers. The two volunteers turned out to be Pete and Philip, who are now both interns. I felt this pull to get to know both of these guys; however, during this trip it wasn’t really possible due to the lack of time we had. After finally graduating out of the youth in that trip, I started feeling as if I would slowly disconnect from God without having friends and family to keep me accountable when it comes to my faith. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to find people I called family to help guide me to a better relationship with Christ. Starting over honestly terrified me, and when school started rolling around, I was really wondering if I should actually seek out another community. I was super hesitant about going to any on-campus ministries because I didn’t think I would be a part of a community that loved each other and would help me get closer to God as much as the last church I was involved in.
Fast forward to my first time showing up to the Wesley, I was greeted again by both Pete and Phillip to join the small group that they were leading. Upon entering I really wasn’t planning to get involved because I wanted to try out so many other churches, but I knew God put these two men in my life before coming there that day, so I wouldn’t just turn them down. The first time I went to this small group, the way this group of men treated one another was something I had honestly never experienced before. The way everyone seemed to care about you and your life and the love that everyone was pouring out to each other on day one was something incredible. I started noticing that this love everyone was sharing started to rub off on me, and I began showing and feeling that same love to random strangers. I started realizing this love was a love that needed to be shared with everyone. My faith continued to grow that year, and with it my love for others also started to grow. Before my freshman year, I got bitter and angry toward the people who hurt me and was very vocal about it to them at times. However, I started feeling a change when people hurt me; I no longer got into a fight with them but instead shared the love and forgiveness that not only my small group showed me but God has also given me. I had one person in my life I felt as if I could never love, and every time I had thought about him, it made me so angry. However, that hatred and anger went away last year as my faith in God got stronger than it has ever been before. That person that I couldn’t stand is now someone I love and hope to honestly meet again some day in reconciliation.
My small group and the wonderful people I have met within the Wesley have really kept me accountable in my walk with God and to pursue a more loving relationship with Christ. This small group, and the Wesley as a whole, has really put my faith to the test this past year by challenging me to look at people and God differently. I’ve gained a whole new family in Christ that I know will continue keeping me accountable for my actions and for my continual walk with God.
Jesse Shadburn is a sophomore in psychology at LA Tech. He is a joyful and energetic presence and loves working out, video games, and talking about Christ. He plans to go into youth ministry once he graduates.