The Epistle of Khalilah
I suppose I have been waiting on the Lord, although I hadn’t known this. You see, I hadn’t had much to say to the Church before now. But alas, here is a message, one of many I presume, that I felt compelled to share. Absolutely could not keep it to myself or it would be disobedient. After studying the scriptures written by my brothers in Christ, I felt compelled to write these.
I know that I don’t love the Body of Christ as God does, but I hope to. I write this letter to myself, for the Church, and for the Lord.
Greeting. Khalilah, a servant of the Lord called to testify to the love and hope of Christ Jesus. I send greetings to all of the believers in the churches of Ruston who belong to God the Father and have also been called to share with me in the Holy Spirit. May the Lord’s charity, love, and compassion be upon all of you in abundance.
A Royal Priesthood. Be encouraged, brothers and sisters, in knowing that the Body of Christ is bigger than just those around you. Be sure not to alienate your brothers and sisters in foreign lands with displays of allegiance to anything other than our Lord Jesus Christ by singing songs and praising fabrics that represent a nation that you do not belong to. You belong to no one but the Lord, and this is a great joy, for you are a royal priesthood. We are united under His kingship. Remember how you were once not a people, but now you are God’s people.
I know some of you grow weary, but remember that a faithful life is indeed an acceptable sacrifice to the Lord, and we live to glorify Him. Be reminded of the promise that was made to us long ago that we will surely receive. We have indeed been entrusted with a gift and a precious message and the Lord will keep us as we continue to fight the good fight of faith.
Compassion and Love. Do not forget the compassion of Christ especially in dealings with your enemies because this is what sets us apart. The world does not understand the love that Christ has generously poured out on us, so it does not know what it means to be truly compassionate. However, you, the Body of Christ, are set apart and identifiable as the Church in the world because of your relentless compassion for others, even those who persecute you.
It is Christ’s love that transforms us. Many of you may know this, but some live as if they have forgotten, so I must take care to remind you. Return to this love, sharing it with one another wealthily. God’s love endures always, and so we have plenty to pour out on both our enemies and friends.
Be on Guard. The devil makes attempts to not merely to divide the Church but to destroy what the Lord has wedded to Himself. He cannot. Brothers, be on guard always. You must not give way to the devil and his antics but be diligent in exorcising cowardice and complacency. Many of you have refused to rebuke one another, which has allowed evil to comfortably dwell in your midst, but you must make no provision for the Evil One.
Do not be led astray. Beware of false teachings, and know that you can pray for divine wisdom to aid you in your discernment because there are surely many godless types that have made their way into your communities.
Remember how you were naked and vulnerable, blind, and deaf. The Lord in His kindness reached down from Heaven and rescued you. However, some of you have rejected His gift and have chosen to indulge in your base desires, believing yourselves to be holy, asking others to join you in your sin. Surely the Lord’s judgment of us all will be blameless and just.
Ask the Lord for Needs. Sisters, our Lord does indeed answer prayers. He has not forgotten you or hid from you for even a moment. Ask Him, in His infinite wisdom and grace, for the things that you need. He has already gone before us and is coming after us as well as walking with us now, making our paths straight and leading us in the way of peace with Him.
Doxology. Trust in the Lord’s goodness and let nothing remove His praises from your mouth, for we live for Him and with Him and will be resurrected as He was, to remain with Him for all of eternity. Glory be to the One and only God and Savior Jesus Christ. With the angels and all the company of heaven, we praise His name for all eternity.
Khalilah Kersey is a trusted friend in the Wesley community known for her compassion, wisdom, and deep faithfulness. After serving for two years as a Wesley intern, Khalilah now works at Fine Line Supply Co. in Ruston where she continues to share the light of Christ with everyone she meets.