Abigail's Student Testimony
When asked to speak about how the Wesley Foundation has impacted my life, I began to reflect over the past year and a half. In my senior year of high school, my youth pastor asked my family if we would open our home to hosting fifteen high school girls and three college leaders from the Wesley Foundation at Louisiana Tech during an in-town weekend retreat. Before I could pull my parents aside and let them know that I had zero intention of going to the retreat, my mom happily said yes. The very second the Wesley girls found out I was attending Louisiana Tech next year, they could not stop telling me about the Wesley Foundation. They spoke of everything from mission trips and retreats to the dance parties they so often have. For the next few months leading up to college, I was in constant contact with them. When I walked into the Wesley for the first time, I was immediately met by these girls with hugs and smiles, and they began to introduce me to everyone. I believe that those months leading up to college and the first few minutes of walking into the Wesley showed the loving pursuit of Christ’s character more than anything else I have experienced.
The Wesley Foundation is a community that seeks to fiercely love others. I walked into my freshman year with confidence, joy, and excitement, but along the way found myself met with new emotions: fear, anxiety, and solitude. Throughout all of the ups and downs of that year, I was able to lean on the Wesley community. Regardless of how many times I tried to turn down hangouts with the interns or helping prepare for an event, they refused to take no for an answer. I was consistently sought out by this community in the same way the Lord pursues our hearts. Throughout my time at the Wesley, I am being taught what it looks like to pursue others and God the same way he pursues us. Jeremiah 29:12-14 says “ then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me says the Lord.”
For the first time in my life, I know what seeking God looks like. It isn't just praying, going to church or inviting a classmate to a church event and taking no as an answer. Seeking the Lord is continuing to invite that classmate time and time again no matter how awkward it might feel. Seeking the Lord is continuing to call and text them, asking how they can be prayed for. Seeking the Lord is going so far out of your comfort zone to share His love you can’t even see it anymore. It is only within these practices that I am finding myself more deeply in love with the Lord than ever before. I am forever grateful for my mom saying yes to hosting those girls before I could tell her no because little did I know that that weekend would be the start of a life-changing journey. I could spend my whole life praising God for bringing me to the Wesley, and it would still feel insufficient.
Abigail Henington is a Food & Dietetics major in her sophomore year at Louisiana Tech. She is a dedicated member of our community and brings so much to everyone she meets. We are extremely grateful for her presence.