First Impressions
My first encounter with the people of Wesley was at the hamburger party outside my apartment complex in Fall Quarter. They had food which is always good, and they had smiles that seemed to lighten up my day. When talking to them I felt calm and at ease. I didn’t feel like I was pressured to talk or anything like that. When I sat down with my food by myself I was approached within 3 minutes. Bekah was the one to approach me first, she introduced me to the others. In the conversation with the others, they spoke to me as if we had been friends for a long time. Everyone here made me feel safe and cared for when I needed it. They invited me to events and a small group. They had a LOT of events, like skating. We went to a skating park the first night I met them, and we had a lot of fun. I had multiple conversations with different people. While skating around, they checked on me to make sure I was good and that I felt included. They also took me out to get sonic after! As we were eating they started explaining different events that were happening and inviting me to come to them. They also let me know if I needed any help getting anywhere that they were available to help me. Something I’ve really enjoyed since becoming involved at Wesley is my small group. My small group is made up of caring and loving people who are looking out for you and who help you understand the bible a bit better if you are having trouble. They ask about your day and if something is wrong they try their best to help. They're the people you can truly rely on. The Wesley also introduced me to new people. Going to the Well and Laidback Lunch helps me with that. The Well is where I not only feel the love of the people around me, but also the love within God's words when we read the scriptures out loud. The discussions are in-depth, Ryan leaves me with answers and questions that I reflect on throughout the week. The Laidback Lunch is honestly an all you can eat buffet with friends! It has really helped me to be more social. There is always someone there that will sit with me, ask me questions, and hold an open and honest conversation. They’ve made me feel seen, loved, and cared for. This year we have had some really exciting events such as Harry Potter parties, SpongeBob parties, and Retreats. These events help you to get closer to one another and to find connections with people that you may not have had connections with before. At these events people show their genuine selves. For instance, at the Harry Potter party they put elbow grease into their work. They made foods from the movie, had quizzes based off the movies, and you could really tell they put their heart into it. At the Wesley, they welcome you with open arms, and they seem to genuinely want to know who you are, or to help you figure out who you want to be in the long run. I wish everyone could experience the same thing that I’m experiencing here.
About the Author:
Charity Scott is a Freshman at Louisiana Tech. She is originally from Rayville, LA. She loves jellyfish, Avatar: the Last Airbender, and meeting new folks through the Wesley Foundation. She has become a beloved staple of the Community this year.