An Extreme and Definite Sign

 Growing up I never understood what all the adults meant by saying “time flies” and “when your busy you don’t get to see the people you really care about as much”, but I do now. The vast majority of my time now and for a while longer is and has been spent studying engineering at Louisiana Tech, and it truly has been not only a task but also a journey. I have yet to experience a quarter that I haven’t been challenged, but I am extremely grateful to have found a place where I can find relief, peace, and encouragement daily at the Wesley Foundation. This is an on-campus ministry that is an extension of the United Methodist Church. I have come to learn that there are other Wesley campus ministries at other colleges, one being ULM, besides the one I avidly attend. Despite this, I truly believe none of them would have been the same in the way that this one has become a home. 

Since becoming a part of the Wesley a year ago, I’ve joined  the leadership team in which I co-lead an all male small group on Mondays, and serve as a part of the worship team. There are many ways in which we as a team at the Wesley reach out to people to spread the word of God, one of which being annual mission trips during the summer to various places. This year there is a group going to Mexico and another to Honduras. The trips are usually a month long and require various commitments from the participants. The goal of this mission trip is to love our neighbors in Mexico by serving the community and church in every capacity we can whether it be through simply cleaning or serving food. After praying and asking for an extreme and definite sign from God if it was what he wanted me to do, I heard an answer from him to go on the Mexico trip on a Saturday night during the Powershop, a 72 hour continuous event, at my home church in Monroe. The spirit of God came in and moved in a mighty way that night. In my own experience it was through the music as I played. He revealed things to me on the organ that I still cannot understand, and told me,  “Now that you have proof I am real, go on the mission trip to Mexico.” 

So now as time presses one toward the summer, I will continue to study hard and participate in Wesley fund-raising to earn money in order to witness on this mission trip. I know God will provide a way for me to go just as he instructed. In practicing obedience to God’s will, I am learning more about what it looks like to follow him. I pray each of you will see Him move in your life the way he has in mine.

And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.

2 John 1:6

Jamie Brown is a junior engineering major. He plays piano expertly, helps lead worship, and loves a good game of Foosball. When Jamie is not studying for engineering you will most likely find him in the Wesley chapel playing the keys.

Jamie Brown is a junior engineering major. He plays piano expertly, helps lead worship, and loves a good game of Foosball. When Jamie is not studying for engineering you will most likely find him in the Wesley chapel playing the keys.

The Wesley