Student Testimony: Earl Raue

So, I am being honest when I say that the Wesley Foundation has changed my life. I know that sounds cheesy and whatnot, but sometimes the truest things can be very cheesy. Whether it was the world’s best grilled cheese cooked by the one and only Jon Henderson, the finest joke told by Pete Mace, or simply the amazing taste in books and movies by the most iconic people, the Wesley Foundation that I have come to know and be a part of here in Ruston will always be caring, gentle, full of laughter and joy, and even better than all of this, it is the most love filled place I’ve ever been. God’s presence is surely here and it is vibrant in the people who stay here. Sometimes it’s not always the most obvious from the people here, whether they are interns or students, but it’s important to remember that we are all human, we all get stressed, and that it’s in these moments that we can see the love and care that flows through this place.

When I came to the Wesley, I expected a place with older folk who wanted something from me. Instead, what I was met with was freakishly welcoming and frighteningly kind young people. They were a healthy mix of students and graduates not exclusive to Louisiana Tech University, and they were the total opposite of what I was expecting. After the complete isolation of Covid in 2019 and 2020 I was, to say the least, very uncomfortable with this sudden burst of attention. But, after all the different things that happened in the first 20 minutes of my arrival, they gave out announcements, and we were silently welcomed into the chapel. It was in the chapel that I saw that however rowdy, random, or loud I found some of the people, I found that they were serious about God, and I admired that. What I saw was a community of people who are so filled with God’s Love that I didn’t want to leave. These people cared, they were filled with bravery and friendship, when they were asked to do something, they did it, no complaints, and when they needed to talk to someone, there was always someone ready to devote time to them.

Since I’ve come to the Wesley Foundation in Ruston, I have been honored and blessed to get to know, love, and deeply treasure everyone here as they taught me to do the same to those who I myself have not met. I am blessed to have been gifted a family that understands me without judgment or pride, and has love and patience to listen to what I have to say. These people have so much trust and faith in God, and I can hardly think that I could ever get to the same point in their walks with God. I love God, and everyday I am reminded of the family He has given to me at the Wesley, and everyday I am beyond thankful for all of it. I am still learning so much from these people, and I can only hope and surely pray that I continue to grow here at the Wesley.

Earl is a devoted disciple of Christ and a good friend here at LA Tech Wesley. He is always available for an adventure or for a good joke. As a Sophomore this coming school year, we look forward to having his kind and gentle spirit around for many more years.

The Wesley