An Adventure: Brandon Kaske

Under your feet the leaves crunch and crinkle

Stepping on old signs of autumn

Where colors were sprinkled

On hardwood trees of a bark that is splintered and wrinkled

Above your head rests the sky of gray

Sending down raindrops from so far away

When they land on your hair in droplets they stay

Lightning will strike in the distance, seeming lost and astray

In front of your eyes when looking straight on

You follow the squirrel that runs with its acorn

Jumping and bounding and leaping then gone

A beaver chews down a tree and gives a yawn

To your left if you take just a glance

Is a flock of birds resting, they seem in a trance

‘Till you step a bit closer, taking a chance

They all screech and shout, flying away like it is a dance

To your right lay a river, with water that flows

Its true end or beginning no one truly knows

But it does not matter for wherever it goes

It will find water, from streams to oceans to coves

Behind you lay miles of more forest you’ve trekked

Countless obstacles, trials, and challenges you’ve met

But through every one you have conquered and left

Bringing much unity and goodness, for you have not cleft.

All around you is who leads you to travel deeper

Always there for you as long as you’re a believer

Your compass, your strength, the eternal weaver

God is the reason for it all, including that weary beaver

Brandon is a freshman at LA Tech studying engineering. Having only been a part of the Wesley for a few months, his wisdom and joyful presence have been a blessing to our community. He enjoys being out in nature, whether that be hunting, fishing, or just exploring the woods, playing sports, and cooking, and writing. He also loves to try new things and opportunities.

The Wesley