"All We Have To Decide Is What To Do With The Time That Is Given Us." : Garrett Warren
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
J.R.R. Tolkien
If you know anything about me or talked with me for more than 30 minutes, then YOU KNOW there is bound to be a reference to the Lord of the Rings series coming soon. In recent days, this particular quote has rung true more than ever. With the pandemic striking, racial conversations continuing, and political parties feuding, this quote reminds me of the choices we get to make as followers of Christ during difficult times in order to imitate Jesus.
Before I went to the Wesley Foundation, I was in the corpse of a human that was going through the motions of getting a degree to graduate and get a job. But thankfully, finding the Wesley Foundation showed me what it is to be in a beautiful relationship with Jesus, the Church, and the people of God. My eyes became open to the people around me, and I realized that what I have found was a gift and was invigorated to see others come to know and experience the truth and peace of Jesus. So, I finished my college career and served two years as an intern to be challenged, shaped, and formed to the person I am today. Those 5 years were so foundational and impactful to my life, and I will ever be so thankful for the things that I learned and faced in those times.
I met my wife, Nicole, at the Wesley Foundation, and after having my share of victories and VERY close defeats and growing close together, we decided to get married and move down to Baton Rouge, where I took a job as a youth pastor. This was a very exciting step and challenged me in a lot of ways, and the best part about it was that I got to use the tools and formation I received from the Wesley Foundation to spur me on in this endeavor. The key principles I received and experienced at the Wesley Foundation were “everyone has a story” and “everyone wants to be seen and heard.” With these principles, jumping into youth ministry was a doable journey. As I was doing this journey, God was placing on my heart the students in the schools around me. In particular, I felt the desire to make a shift in my life that I did not foresee coming, which is to become a teacher.
So, I resigned from my youth ministry position in November 2020 to start my journey to become a middle school teacher. Some people say this is a great move because I still act as a middle school boy on occasions, which I don’t disagree with, and neither will Nicole. With this switch I have felt the temptation to disconnect and “stay in my lane” and fall into the rhythm of wake up, go to work, come home, sleep, and do it all again. But because of recent days, I am reminded that our time is short and we have to decide what to do with the time that is given us. So, when you are alone, when you are isolated, when you are in a place that you feel misunderstood, what will you do? When things are going great, when you are comfortable with the people around you, when there is no financial burden on your life, what will you do? The quote from above is a good one because it challenges both sides of the coin, the one that is on the mountain tops and the one that is in the valleys. Being at the Wesley Foundation taught me that if one is truly following Christ, you can find him no matter what place in life you are in.
The Wesley Foundation: A place where all are welcomed and will be challenged. I will be forever thankful for the directors, interns, friends, and random strangers that I encountered there who pushed me to become the person I am today. My encouragement to those who are reading this letter: be praying for the staff of the Wesley Foundation and support in any way possible. This community pointed me to Jesus, unapologetically, and because of that I found Jesus. A huge factor to this was from the ones who are praying, giving, and supporting this ministry, and on behalf of my life, I thank you. If you are a student who is deciding to find a church community, get plugged in and find a home here; from a guy who said, “I will NEVER go back there,” I’m grateful I did. Everyone who knows me knows that I also am not the wordiest and best writer, so I’m going to wrap this up. As you read this today, you will be placed with a choice in front of you, to seize the gift of life that God has placed you with today and imitate Jesus to those around you or to push through the day just to make it to the next. I will say there will be days where it is hard to stand and make that choice, but know that there is a community of believers who want to walk with and fight for you. There is a man who wants to stand with you and beside, and he is Jesus. Wherever you are, be encouraged because the creator of the cosmos and smallest speck sees and desires you above all things. May this letter find you well.
In Christ,
Garrett Warren
Garrett Warren is a treasured alumni of the Wesley Foundation who served as a ministry intern for both the 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 school years. He is married to the wonderful Nicole Warren, who was also a ministry intern at the Wesley. Garrett is full of energy, jokes, and laughter that is contagious. He has a dream of being on the show “Survivor” and has been preparing for his role as a contestant.