Student Testimony: Kaylee Hibbard

My name is Kaylee Hibbard. I grew up in a small town in South Louisiana, where just about everyone goes to church every Sunday, but the authentic, genuine Christian is rarely found. I just turned 19 in October and just wrapped up my first quarter at Louisiana Tech University. Being from the opposite end of the state, I knew no one, was in a new, unfamiliar town, and all of my previous comforts in life were gone. In a moment of boldness, I decided I was going to give the Wesley a try, to attempt to find some sense of familiarity with a Methodist community, like I had back home. I walked into the Wesley, a singular body, a complete stranger to these people. After just a few minutes chatting and a less-than-an-hour-long Eucharist service, I felt a sense of comfort with this group of people, whose names I hardly knew. A comfort that I had never felt before, even with the church I had grown up in my entire life. Flash forward to the present, and in only the 10-week period I have been at Tech, I can firmly say that the Wesley is a place like no other, filled with more of God’s love and grace than I have ever experienced.

Growing up, I was never a disbeliever, but the desire to truly know God, to walk my life knowing He was guiding me, was never an urgent feeling for me. I was completely enveloped by the world around me. I was at an incredibly difficult point in my life, where I could not find pure joy in anything I did.This went on until I was about 16 years old, when out of nowhere, my distant cousin asked me if I wanted to grab coffee with her. At the time, I remember thinking that this random outreach was odd, that we had not spoken in years, it felt like, so why now? What changed? When we met, she told me her testimony, how God had turned her life 180 degrees, and just all of the miraculous things He was doing in her life. At that time, outside of church, I had never heard someone speak so fondly of the Father I considered so distant. I could hear myself saying words, words that glorified God and spoke of Him like a close friend. These words were spilling out of my mouth, yet I did not remember thinking of these myself. Looking back now, I know that this was the first time God had ever supplied me with words. This was the first time I had ever felt God’s presence within me. My life up until that day was all gray, one giant blur, but this day I felt it resembled a bright yellow, full of happiness and clarity. My entire outlook on life from that moment forward changed; I found myself seeking out opportunities to be in His presence again, wanting to attend church instead of going out of obligation, feeling like this thirst for Heavenly knowledge could never be quenched. I found myself full of the Holy Spirit for the first time in my life. This was no random outreach from my cousin; it was God calling me home to Him through her. Ever since, all I strive to do is enhance my relationship with God and live my life for the one who saved me from the gray existence I was in.

I am thankful for the boldness God blessed me with the day I walked through those doors at the Wesley. It led me to a group of people that not only seek out intimate relationships with God for themselves but help me do the same. That comfort and sense of ease I initially felt was God’s presence within this church and within the staff, leaders, and other students who attend. Although all of the interns and leaders are so young, they are blessed with heavenly traits far beyond those who bypass them in years: an abundance of kindness, compassion, selflessness, and a love for the Wesley community, but above all, a love for our Lord and Savior. They reflect God’s light onto everyone whom they encounter, and I feel like a better person and Christian from being a part of the Wesley. The sermons delivered are powerful and moving and have provided me more heavenly understanding and wisdom than I have received in so long. Growing up, I was surrounded by lukewarm Christians, and that is one thing you will never see at the Wesley. Everyone who comes is passionate about their faith and wants that same feeling for everyone else. As I continue my education at Louisiana Tech, this community will be what has the most impact on me. When these 4 years pass, I will take my time at the Wesley with me and treasure it forever.

Kaylee is an indescribable blessing to the Wesley Foundation community. Her faithful presence, willingness to serve, lightheartedness, and sense of humor are just a few of her many wonderful traits. She is currently a freshman at Louisiana Tech stud…

Kaylee is an indescribable blessing to the Wesley Foundation community. Her faithful presence, willingness to serve, lightheartedness, and sense of humor are just a few of her many wonderful traits. She is currently a freshman at Louisiana Tech studying Kinesiology, as well as a skilled trumpet player!

The Wesley